資訊組織, 11/17

老師一開始以北歐學者福州伯的文章 (書目與全文可從這裡取得) 來引導我們思考這個問題:

There exist different historical and theoretical approaches to and theories about KO, which are related to different views of knowledge, cognition, language, and social organization. Each of these approaches tends to answer the question: “What is knowledge organization?” differently. LIS professionals have often concentrated on applying new technology and standards, and may not have seen their work as involving interpretation and analysis of meaning. That is why library classification has been criticized for a lack of substantive intellectual content.

說明:人類需要知識、利用資訊,為了便利查找,我們收集、組織、整理,製作索引與摘要、集結書目、主題分析等,或是對資料作結構性標示,以提供利用。當舊的標準或方法不敷資訊時代、網路時代、內容時代使用,圖書館就修正這些老方法以符使用者需求。換句話說,人的資訊行為發生在哪裡,圖書館就在哪裡。是杜威先生嗎? 他提到圖書館目錄有一個目的,「當讀者知道作者、書名、主題時,我們就能找到該資料」。大學的圖書資訊學教育,在分類編目的課程教學上時數漸減,但目前亦尚未完全抽離。在觀念上,可以說圖書館從未忽視主題這個部份。另外,圖書館並非不深究內容,當我們對書目資料做結構性標示時,是不是也是某種程度的 Summarizing? 一般人未讀到資料原件,但透過該書目的metadata是不是也能掌握部份的主題資訊呢?

學者簡介可參考Birger Hjørland,任職於丹麥Øresund University (聲音大學?) 的皇家圖書資訊學院 (RSLIS, the Royal School of Library and Informations Science is a member of the Øresund University – a collaborative network between 14 universities in the Øresund Region.)
