1. 大學圖書館網頁的設計,多是照館員的概念去分,鮮少使用「使用者」的概念去分類。應該依不同的使用者族群建立不同的進入點 (entry point),如:大學生、研究生。圖書館網頁設計,要基於使用如何與網頁互動。
2. 大學圖書館的角色應加入諮詢 (advisory) 角色,如:當使用者知道書名的前兩個字也能協助他找到那本書。我想老師的意思,包含了大學圖書館提供圖書館利用、書目指導的功能,包括學科館員的設計。另外,記得曾有報告指出,公共圖書館員普遍缺乏對書目及作者的了解,以致於無法提供使讀者信任的服務,這也指出館員諮詢角色的重要。
3. 老師也說明了他訪談的學生樣本收集的方式。因為是其它教授指導或是親近的學生,所以多是滿優秀的,故可能造成研究的偏頗。
Lee, H.-L. (2008). Information structures and undergraduate students. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34 (3), 211-219 .
This study explores how undergraduates seek information across various information structures. Taking part in an interview, fifteen students of diverse backgrounds described their information seeking. The findings pointed to several issues relating to the underlying structures of information resources. Suggestions are made for structural improvements to facilitate undergraduates' information seeking.
Library Quarterly 四月號刊登,表示這種古代的經典目錄學研究仍有其研究價值的存在,並勉勵我們從事資訊組織相關的研究。兩岸三地的中國人中,李老師是第一位研究這本中國第一本目錄的學者。雖然沒修過目錄學,但是我一直以為七略是劉向及劉歆父子共同編纂而成的,老師說是劉歆承父業,才有機會編寫「七略」,實則七略是劉歆一人完成的。「七略」內容是非常有價值的,我們很容易用參考書目來連結相關的文獻,但是「七略」是由劉歆這位飽讀詩書的學者,將各本書中相關的、連外的學術理論、源由撰寫在「七略」中,讓後人讀書有其脈落可循。這個從「內容」編寫連結的方式,現今的科技很發達,但要明確達到這個目標,我猜想仍有一段距離。
Lee, H.-L., & Lan, W.-C. (forthcoming). Purposes and bibliographic objectives of a pioneer library catalog in China. Library Quarterly.
This research aims to ascertain the conceptual basics underlying the design of the Seven Epitomes, the first library catalog that established the bibliographic model in imperial China. The analytical framework for the study consists of a reconstructed version of the catalog and its historical contexts. In analyzing the surviving text of the catalog, the study identifies its bibliographic objectives as: the identification, choice, finding and collocating objectives. Further deduced from these objectives, the study reasons out four general purposes that might be intended by the catalog’s compiler Liu Xin: the catalog was to be a guide to literature, a plan for knowledge organization, a retrieval tool, and a library inventory. Ru classicism (or Confucianism) was the catalog’s guiding philosophy. In classicism-dominated imperial China, generations of bibliographers followed this model and focused their attention primarily on making bibliography a classicist guide to literature and a classicist plan for organizing knowledge.